Oct 25, 2011

Android- Finishing Touches 5- Publishing on the Marketplace

Signing and publishing your application to the android marketplace used to be somewhat difficult, however it is quite simple! This tutorial show you everything you need for getting your application on the market place.

Android- Finishing Touches 4- ad Unit Id & current SDK info

Obtaining the Ad unit Id and talking about the current admob sdk, which is having some problems for applications that use the 2.2 platform.

The main error is :
Parser is not a BridgeXmlBlockParser!

The following classes could not be instantiated:
- com.google.ads.AdView
See the Error Log (Window Show View) for more details.

Android- Finishing Touches 3- Adding an Ad in XML Layout ( Adds )

What’s up guys? In this tutorial we will be adding to the manifest which will reference the admob jar library, and adding an ad within an xml layout that will generate our admob ad.

Android- Finishing Touches 2- Admob Jar & Permissions (Adds Based )

Once you have downloaded the Admob sdk, you will need to add the jar to the project’s build path, so we can use the admob methods. This tutorial shows you how. We will also add the permissions that we will need for admob ads.

Android- Finishing Touches 1- Downloading Admob SDK ( Adds Based SDK )

Near the end of your project? Need to add ads? This tutorial shows you how to download the Admob SDK for android.

Android The Basics 27- Animating a Bitmap

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Be able to draw custom triangles to a view, or more specifically a canvas
- Understand basic graphic programming
-Animate a bitmap

Android The Basics 26- Drawing Rectangles on a Canvas

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Learn how to use the canvas, and what it does.
-Set up a custom View class programming it strictly in Java

Android The Basics 25 - Custom View and Constructors

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-How to build a class that we are going to use for animation.
-Learn briefly about constructors

Android The Basics 24- Setting Fullscreen and Fixed Screen

Android The Basics 24- Setting Fullscreen and Fixed Screen
Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Learn to set your Activity’s orientation permanently as portrait or landscape
-Learn about the requestWindowFeature to get rid of that nasty title
-Learn to set your Activity to fullscreen
-Learn about the and setting up flags
-Some other sweet stuff

Android The Basics 23- Set Wallpaper w Bitmap

Android The Basics 23- Set Wallpaper with a Bitmap

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Setup our wallpaper button
-convert our drawable int into a bitmap
-learn about the set wallpaper command
-Learn about permission

Android The Basics 22- Using an ImageView as a Button

Android The Basics 22- Using an ImageView as a Button

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Set our imageViews to be clickable and act like a button
-create our display ImageView and to have it change when a different Image is clicked

Android The Basics 21- Setting up XML for Wallpaper App

Android The Basics 21- Setting up XML for Wallpaper App
Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback. Sorry about the sound and the rapid movement in this tutorial.
In this lesson you will:-Create tutorial 3-Setup wallpaper app-HorizontalScrollView

Android The Basics 20: Using ListView to open Activities

Android The Basics 20: Using ListView to open Activities

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Create more toast
-Finish ListView

Android The Basics 19: String Array and ListView

Android The Basics 19: String Array and ListView

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-set up a single item for our listview in xml
-Create a String[]

Android The Basics 18: Creating a ScrollView

Android The Basics 17 : Toast to Built-in Themes

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Learn about built in android themes and how to use them
-Learn to show toast messages

Android The Basics 17 : Toast to Built-in Themes

Android The Basics 17 : Toast to Built-in Themes

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Learn about built in android themes and how to use them
-Learn to show toast messages

Android The Basics 16: hardware menu button & Menu inflater items

Android The Basics 16: hardware menu button & Menu inflater items

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-set up a new activity
-set up the menu folder with a custom menu
-learn about the menu inflater
-learn how to access the menu button of the phones hardware

Android The Basics 15: Finish programming our RadioGroup for Style/Gravity

Android The Basics 15: Finish programming our RadioGroup for Style/Gravity

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-learn to program our radio groups
-set up the OnCheckChangedListener
-learn to set our text’s style & gravity

Android The Basics 14: using the getText() and setText() methods

Android The Basics 14: using the getText() and setText() methods

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

pretty boring/lame tutorial, but we will be using some new methods( setText & getText)

In this lesson you will:
-start doing something with the tutorialOne class
-set up some variables
-use the setText & getText methods

Android The Basics 13: Finish new XML and Learn about Weight

Android The Basics 13: Finish new XML and Learn about Weight

In this lesson you will:
-Learn about the weight set up in XML
-set up the gravity as well
-set up our radiogroup in a horzontal linear layout

Android The Basics 12: Setup a More Advanced XML

Android The Basics 12- Setup a More Advanced XML

In this lesson you will:
-Learn about the weight set up in XML
-set up the gravity as well

Android The Basics 11: Button & Sound Review (final)

Android The Basics 11- Button & Sound Review (final)

Here are the acceptable raw types:


Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:
-Add a sound to the button
-Learn about the final prefix and the difference from defining it for the whole class.
-Thumbs up this video

Android The Basics 10: Introduction to the Button

Android The Basics 10- Introduction to the Button
In this lesson you will:

-Create a new layout called tutorial1.xml

-Create a new class called tutorialOne.java

-Introduction to the defining and using the button to start a new activity

-Maybe understand a little be more about the Activity cycle?!?!?

-set up our new Intent in the android manifest

-Thumbs up this video

Android The Basics 9 : Adding Sound with MediaPlayer

In this lesson you will:
-Add some sound to our Splash Screen in our myMain class
-Learn about the start, pause, & release methods from the MediaPlayer class
-Get a better understanding of why we added the onDestroy, onResume, & onPause methods.
-Understand the differences between setting up a local variable & a variable that can be use by the whole class

Next we will be learning about the how to use the buttons to actually do something!

Android The Basics 8: Intro to Threads (finish splash Activity)

to Threads (finish splash Activity)

In this lesson you will:
-Finish our thread
-Get our splash screen up and running
-Learn about Threads the methods they can include
-Correct some mistakes
-Set up a new activity in the Android Manifest
-Set up the onCreate method for our myMenu class

This video is the 8th in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.

Peace guys,



main.java :

package com.mybringback.thebasics;

import android.app.Activity;

import android.content.Intent;

import android.os.Bundle;

public class main extends Activity {

/** Called when the activity is first created. */


public void onCreate(Bundle TravisIsAwesome) {



Thread logoTimer = new Thread(){

public void run(){



Intent menuIntent = new Intent(“com.mybringback.thebasics.MENU”);


} catch (InterruptedException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block











Android Manifest:







package com.mybringback.thebasics;

import android.app.Activity;

import android.os.Bundle;

public class menu extends Activity {


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub





protected void onPause() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub




Android The Basics 7 : Setting up our Splash Activity

Here is the link for learning more about android Activity: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html

Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, I would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

In this lesson you will:

Learn about Activities, and how add the proper layout for an Activity
Start typing some Java.
Create a new class
Learn a little about Threads, and how start creating a Thread variable
This video is the 7th in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.
If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.

Android The Basics 6 : Introduction to Java & Raw folder

Android The Basics 6 – Introduction to Java & Raw folder

Supported files:


Whats up Bringers, thanks for watching my videos, i would love it if you subscribe and give me some feedback.

Name Range
long -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
int –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
short — 32,768 to 32,767

I listed what we will be going over in this lesson below, if you know java you may want to just setup the stuff listed below. Because after we set those items up, I will just be quickly going over some java code, and briefly describing what it means. If you are a beginner, you will most likely be confused by the end of this lesson, but I promise you will understand after watching the next few lessons, so, please don’t be discouraged if you don’t completely understand everything mentioned in this tutorial. Just know that it is hard to describe everything in depth within 10 minutes. Thanks again for watching


In this lesson you will:
-add to the splash.xml layout
-add another picture to the drawable folder that will be our splash screen.
-add the resource folder “raw” and add a audio clip to it. (.mp3)
-create a new activity/ new Java class called myMenu
-get a very brief understanding of the Java
-Be introduced to creating variables

This video is the 6th in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

Android The Basics 5 : XML made Simple & Java Intro

Android The Basics 5- XML made Simple & Java Intro

What’s up my peepz? (who says peepz anymore?) This lesson will get you up and running, and even if you are an absolute beginner, you can do it. Please subscribe and thumbs up the video and you will be a pro in no time

In this lesson you will learn:
-XML, the Easy way, using the Graphical Layout
-Accessing Properties Tab (and other tabs) in Eclipse
-Making a Button
-Introduction to the id reference in Java
-New XML functions
-Introduction/Review of how the Manifest calls the Java activity which calls the XML layout
-Create a new XML layout
-HOMEWORK: create 3 different icons and place them in the appropriate folders ( create one icon 150x150px for the high density folder, one 75×75 for medium, and one 35×35 for the low density folder)

This video is the 5 in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

Android The Basics 4 : XML programming & background image

Android The Basics 4- XML programming & background image

This video is from the Android- The Basics Series from mybringback.com

What’s up my peepz? (who says peepz anymore?) This lesson will get you up and running, and even if you are an absolute beginner, you can do it. Please subscribe and thumbs up the video and you will be a pro in no time

In this lesson you will learn:
-A better understanding of XML
-Adding a Button
-Find coding that even when we don’t remember the exact coding
-Basics of the Linear Layout
-New XML functions
-Adding our picture to the background of our app
-Running our program on the emulator

This video is the 4 in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.

Android The Basics 3 : Intro to XML and Custom Layouts

What’s up my peepz? (who says peepz anymore?) This lesson will get you up and running, and even an absolute beginner can do it. Please subscribe and thumbs up the video and you will be a pro in no time
In this lesson you will learn:
-Fix the error within the project
-clean project
-start the Android emulator
-Start learning XML to create layouts (learn the TextView coding)
-Learn about referencing strings in resources folder

This video is the 3 in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android applications. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.

Setting up a Project and Explaining how to import...

This video is from the mybringback series Android: The Basics

What’s up my peepz? (who says peepz anymore?) This lesson will get you up and running, and even an absolute beginner can do it. Sorry I still have that nasty cold, so please forgive my sniffing noises, my strange nasally voice, and other distractions. Please subscribe and thumbs up the video and you will be a pro in no time

In this lesson you will learn:
-How to set an Android Project in Eclipse
-Understand the basic layout of the project, such as the folders
-How to add a picture to the project that we will later use as a background

This video is the 2 in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.

How to Install Java ,Eclipse ,Android SDK + ADT into Eclipse IDE on Windows OS. (tutorial)

Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Android ADT: http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html

Additional help link: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html

Join the forum and use some other great resources for learning android development at www.mybringback.com

What’s up my peepz? (who says peepz anymore?) This lesson will get you up and running, and even if you are an absolute beginner, you can do it. Please subscribe and thumbs up the video and you will be a pro in no time

In this lesson you will learn:

-Installing Eclipse
-Set up the link to the ADT
-Setting up the SDK and different android platforms
-Setting up the AVD

This video is the first in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.

If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.

Oct 15, 2011

Android Syllabus briefly

Click on Image for Preview

Android Syllabus

Learn Android Programming which is a mobile operating system that uses a modified version of the Linux kernel. It allows developers to write managed code in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries. The Android Programming training program covers t
opics like Android introduction, SQL basics, Java basics and many more. This course on Android programming is designed for software developers interested in designing, creating, deploying and testing applications for the Android™ mobile phone platform. It is valuable to both amateurs and experts, who already have experience in developing mobile applications for other platforms.

A ) Introducing Android

  • Installing Development Tools
  • Your First Android™ Application
  • Using the Emulator
  • Android developer tools
  • Eclipse, IDEs and Tools

B ) Building Blocks
  • The Big Picture

  • Application Life Cycle
  • Application Components
  • Using Resources

    C ) Java with AndroidAndroid Syllabus
    • Java as referenced in Android
    • Android™ User Interface
    • The Example Application
    • Design by Declaration
    • Opening Screen Design
    • Using Alternate Resources
    • The About Box
    • Applying Styles
    • Adding a Menu
    • Adding Preferences

    D ) Local Data Storage

    • Adding Preferences
    • Remembering the State of the App
    • Using the Internal File System
    • Accessing SD Cards

    E ) Handling Multiple Activities
    • Usinng Intents
    • Intent Filters

    F ) SQL
    • Introducing SQLite on Android™
    • SQL Basics
    • Database Connectivity
    • Data Binding
    • Using ContentProvider
    • Implementing ContentProvider

    G ) Locating and Sensing
    • Working with Locations
    • Sensors

    H ) Publishing Applications
    • Locating and Sensing
    • Android Market
    • Signing applications and publishing

    I ) Choice of Advanced Topics
    • Text to Speech Conversion
    • Geo tagging
    • Services
    • Multimedia
    • Objectives

    Upon completion of this course, you will be able to,

    Build your own Android apps
    Explain the differences between Android™ and other mobile development environments
    Understand how Android™ applications work, their life cycle, manifest, Intents, and using external resources
    Design and develop useful Android™ applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus
    Use advanced Android features like GPS access, mapping, and the camera
    Target Audience

    This course is designed for software developers interested in designing, creating, deploying and testing applications for the Android™ mobile phone platform. It is valuable to both novices and gurus, who already have experience in developing mobile applications for other platforms.


    Experience in Java and Swing is a big plus, but not critical.
  • Main Topics

    Oct 5, 2011

    How to add a splash screen in an android application

    Everyone wants his/her application to be beautiful and attractive for an eye of a user. And there are a lot of applications, at least desktop applications, mostly games that use splash screens. It’s nice and, moreover, while the splash screen is working, you can initialize your application. Many tutorials exist explaining how to begin Android programming and I won't repeat them here. You can find them all over the internet. So I will show only the programming stuff.

    Activity class
    public class SplashScreen extends Activity {
    private final int DISPLAY_LENGTH = 2000; // splash screen duration
    private ProgressBar mProgressBar;

    public void onCreate(Bundle si) {
    // removing status bar in

    // setting progress bar

    // created handler for waiting
    // post delayed to wait some time before going to next intenet

    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    Intent login = new Intent(SplashScreen.this, HomeScreen.class);




    xml for UI

    android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
    android:background="@drawable/bg" android:orientation="vertical">
    android:layout_height="60dip" android:background="@drawable/logo"
    android:layout_centerInParent="true" />
    android:layout_width="50dip" android:layout_height="50dip"
    android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:indeterminateOnly="true" />